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Forum II trymestr Come Join The Monopoly Go Plushie Partners Event!

Come Join The Monopoly Go Plushie Partners Event!

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  • iiyan Nowa
    Postów: 4 0

    Wysłany: 21 stycznia, 09:19

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    I believe everyone has updated and entered the new Monopoly Go Artful Tales Album and is currently playing the game. Please mark January 24th, because the first event of the new album, the Plushie Partners Event, will officially begin on this day.

    This partner event will last for five days as usual, and players can complete tasks with other players during this time. This is a great opportunity to get Monopoly Go dice, don't miss it! The grand prize of this event is 5,000 Dice, Swap Pack Sticker Pack and A Husky Token. That means if you complete the points mileage with your partner and get the grand prize, you will have a good chance to get a high star sticker! This is a great reward! Even if you only complete the minimum points mileage, you can get 200 dice, so whether you can find a suitable team member or not, you must actively participate.

    When looking for partners, it is recommended that Monopoly Go players choose carefully, because many event tasks require both partners to complete the tasks before you can get tokens and spin the event exclusive roulette. Of course, it is also important to participate in banner events and daily tournaments, which can help you complete the event faster. If you don't trust the partners you find or don't want to cooperate with other players, then I think you can buy Monopoly Go Partners Event on EZG.com, which is also a cheap and safe option.

    One thing to note is that if you are a new player of Monopoly Go, you need to reach level 5 before January 24th, because the event is open to players above level 5, but it is not difficult, I believe you can do it, and Monopoly Go always has a lot of benefits for new players, so enjoy it.

    Act quickly! Because the stickers of Artful Tales Album are really beautiful, and everyone will definitely work hard to complete the first event of the new album.

    Also Read Something About Monopoly Go
    More Info Please Click Here

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