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Forum II trymestr Diablo 4 Season 7: Witchcraft Craze Is Coming

Diablo 4 Season 7: Witchcraft Craze Is Coming

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  • iiyan Nowa
    Postów: 4 0

    Wysłany: 21 stycznia, 09:08

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    The launch date of Diablo 4 Season 7 has been confirmed, and players should pay attention to January 21, 2025. At the same time, the current Season 6 will also be offline. Regarding Diablo 4 Season 7, players need to prepare in advance.

    The new season is called "Season of Witchcraft". From the name, it can be seen that this time the plot and activities are centered on witchcraft. The game will equip each player with witchcraft power. Players can freely build witchcraft power with the skills of the class they choose, creatively match powerful attack effects, and can also strengthen their traditional skills and special active and passive abilities on the open witchcraft-themed skill tree. Strengthening will use a lot of Diablo 4 Gold. Players can also purchase it by visiting IGGM.com while farming in the game.

    In "Season of Witchcraft", witchcraft will be divided into three colleges, namely Eldritch, which focuses on destructive energy, Psyche, which manipulates thoughts through mental attacks, and Increase & Decay, which uses recovery and decay power to deal with life and death. Players can choose according to their preferences and matching degree.

    In Diablo 4 Season 7, players need a specific in-game currency called stressed Rot to equip and use witchcraft power, which needs to be obtained by killing a new enemy Headrotten. However, the specific characteristics of this enemy will have to wait until the "Season of Witchcraft" is officially released to understand.

    The most surprising feature of this new season may be the Armory System, which will allow players to save five complete builds for one character, which greatly enhances the flexibility in the battle. Players can switch in just a few seconds. If you master this skill, you will definitely create an advantage in actual combat and help you win the game.

    As the official release date approaches, there will definitely be more game details. Players who want to show their skills in Diablo 4 Season 7 must seize the opportunity to learn more. I look forward to your performance in the new season and hope that everyone will have fun in the game.

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