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Forum II trymestr EA FC 25 TOTY Event Hot Returns!

EA FC 25 TOTY Event Hot Returns!

Oceń ten wątek:
  • iiyan Nowa
    Postów: 4 0

    Wysłany: 21 stycznia, 09:21

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    EA FC 25 TOTY, the most popular annual event among FC 25 players is returning. As in previous events, players can choose the players they think will perform the best and have the most influence in 2024, and vote for them to improve their statistics and ratings in the game.

    This EA FC 25 TOTY will run from January 6, 2025 to January 12, 2025. Players can go to the EA FC 25 TOTY official website to make their choices. After entering the website page, we will see the candidates for each position of the men's and women's teams respectively. Players need to fill in the position of the person who meets your heart in the starting lineup. When you are satisfied, you can click the vote button. Be careful not to forget to vote for the 12th player, which usually happens at the end of the event.

    I believe everyone has their own opinions on the candidates for the best player of the year. After the event is over, players need to pay attention to their social media to see the winners. This year's 24 winners will still be added to the game as game items. This time the player card is in gold and blue as the main color, which is very worth looking forward to.

    These items are expected to be gradually added to the game in the form of FC 25 Packs after January 17th. Players are recommended to visit IGGM.com to purchase and get these packs at a preferential price. Lucky players will have the opportunity to get their favorite TOTY players and add them to their team, or they can also sell other players drawn to make high profits. After all, TOTY player cards must be very rare and precious assets in FC 25.

    According to past traditions, these player cards will be released at different times according to player positions, and the team will be released only after all the players are released. Therefore, FC 25 players may have to keep an eye on social media for the latest news, or check the latest player items and the latest promotions on IGGM.com, which is a very convenient way.

    The above is the main information of the FC 25 TOTY event, I hope it can help you.

    Also Read More About FC 25 TOTY
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