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Forum Starając się - ogólne MMOexp: Marauder struggles in close quarters

MMOexp: Marauder struggles in close quarters

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  • AventurineLe Nowa
    Postów: 3 0

    Wysłany: 14 maja, 10:12

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    Shadow - another personality, emphasizing the attributes of Path of exile currency Intelligence and Dexterity. In battle, he uses claws, coping traps and assorted mines and high vital damage. The starting attributes of the character are: 23 Dexterity 14 Strength and 23 Intelligence.

    Marauder struggles in close quarters, using heavy armor to deal as much harm. His beginning attributes are: 14 Intelligence, 14 Dexterity and 32 Power.

    Scion - a fully class from the game that places the emphasis on each of three attributes. It starts in the center of the tree of abilities that are passive enabling complete freedom. The startup parameters of this class are: 20 Strength, 20 Dexterity and 20 Intelligence. Scion as the class isn't accessible from the start of the sport - as the story progresses it unlocks.

    Ranger - the second of the"blank" classes, highlighting the Dexterity attribute, i.e. dexterity. Light bows and weapons, in addition to armor supplying a dodge bonus, making it hard and agile to hit. The starting attributes of the Ranger class are: 32 Dexterity, 14 Power and 14 Intelligence.

    Duelist - another character that places the exact same emphasis on Dexterity and Strength attributes. A melee character that deals significant damage like Marauder, but in buy Path of exile currency precisely the same time fragile and nimble such as Ranger. The initial attributes' value is: 23 Strength, 23 Dexterity and 14 Intelligence.

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