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Forum Starając się - ogólne Trey Hendrickson anticipates to play vs. Ravens, per report

Trey Hendrickson anticipates to play vs. Ravens, per report

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  • Eiselen Nowa
    Postów: 7 0

    Wysłany: 5 grudnia 2024, 10:54

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    Sunday's loss to the Houston Texans was ruthless. No 2 ways regarding the most painful component of it had not been the loss, nevertheless. It was seeing Trey Hendrickson down on the area, wriggling suffering after Houston's last offensive play. Hendrickson isn't just the Bengals' ideal pass rush. He's likewise come to be one of the NFL's ideal general protectors https://www.texansapparel.com/collections/joe-mixon-jersey, so shedding him would certainly be definitely fate would have it, Hendrickson's injury turned out to bejust' a hyperextension, something he can conveniently return from in a week or more. right?How about four days?That's the time between Sunday and Thursday's clash with the Baltimore Ravens. And versus the probabilities Azeez Al-Shaair Jersey, Hendrickson is going to play in the video game, according to Kelsey Conway of the Cincinnati Bengals news in advance tomorrow night's game vs. Ravens: Pro Bowl DE Trey Hendrickson is expecting to play despite hyperextending his knee on Sunday, a resource tells the A huge boost for Cincinnati's protection ahead of an important gameKelsey Conway. Losing him hurts, but not having either protective end versus a vaunted Ravens infraction could be 's to wishing Hendrickson not only plays Will Anderson Jr. Jersey, but likewise makes it through the video game with no problems. The Bengals require him if they're mosting likely to make a run to the NFL Championship, as they currently remain one game out of among bush Card spots.

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